Daniel Richards
NORFOLK, 23529
Dr. Richards studies technical communication and rhetoric. His research focuses on environmental risk communication, user experience design, and writing pedagogy.
Ph.D. in English, University of South Florida, (2013)
M.A. in English, University of Windsor, (2009)
B.A. in English, University of Windsor, (2007)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Nunnery, J. A., Allen, T., Whytlaw, J., Richards, D. P.. and Mcleod, G. "Virginia Wind Energy Siting Solution" $775,000. Federal. August 1, 2020 - December 31, 2021
- Richards, D. and Knowles, T. "User Experience, Residents, and Risk: Effectively (Re)Designing a Flood Rate Calculator" $6,700. Old Dominion University. July 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020
- Richards, D. P. . "Increasing Engagement in Online Writing Instruction: Developing Video Lectures for Technical Writing" $4,000. Old Dominion University. July 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019
- Richards, D. P. . "Flood Insurance Calculator and Website" $26,000. State. July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
- Richards, D. P. . "Story Mapping and Sea Level Rise: Bringing a Global Risk Home" $1,500. Higher Education. January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018
- Richards, D., Schwartz, K., Hester, P. T., Kumar, S. and Higgins, K. "Improving Disciplinary Writing Action Project Grant" $19,987. 2017 - 2018
- Richards, D., Jovanovic, V., Pazos-Lago, M., Popescu, O. and Arcaute, K. "Improving Disciplinary Writing Action Project Grant" $20,000. 2017 - 2018
- Richards, D. and Romberger, J. E. "Faculty Innovator Grant" $3,000. 2014 - 2015
- Richards, D. and McKittrick, M. "Improving Disciplinary Writing Action Project Grant" $19,987. 2014 - 2015
- Richards, D. and McKittrick, M. "Service-Learning Instructional Mini-Grant Award" $1,000. 2014 - 2015
- Richards, D. "Faculty Research Grant" $6,000. 2014 - 2014
- Richards, D. "Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program" $17,500. 2008 - 2008
- Richards, D. P. (2025). Dead man’s switch: Blame and causality in the epideictic scenes of disaster. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 55 (1) , pp. 26-41.
- Pflugfelder, E. H., Amidon, T. R., Sackey, D. J. and Richards, D. P. (2023). Expanding the scope and scale of risk in TPC: Water access and the Colorado River Basin. Technical Communication Quarterly 32 (3) , pp. 224–241.
- Richards, D. P. and Stephens, S. H. (2022). Do voices really make a difference? Investigating the value of local video narratives in risk perceptions and attitudes towards sea-level rise. Technical Communication 69 (4) , pp. 79–96.
- Richards, D. P. and Jacobson, E. E. (2022). How real is too real? User-testing the effects of realism as a risk communication strategy in sea level rise visualizations. Technical Communication Quarterly 31 (2) , pp. 190–206.
- Amidon, T. R., Nielsen, A. C., Pflugfelder, E. H., Richards, D. P. and Stephens, S. (2021). Visual risk literacy in “Flatten the Curve” COVID-19 visualizations. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35 (1) , pp. 101–109.
- Richards, D. P. and Stephens, S. (2020). Story mapping and sea level rise: Listening to global risks at street level. Communication Design Quarterly 8 (1) , pp. 5–18.
- Richards, D. P. and Phelps, L. W. (2020). On ideological transparency. Pedagogy 20 (1) , pp. 3-12.
- Richards, D. P. (2019). John Dewey, nonhuman agency, and the possibility of a posthuman public. Contemporary Pragmatism 16 (4) , pp. 366–395.
- Richards, D. P. (2019). An ethic of constraint: Citizens, sea-level rise viewers, and the limits of agency. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 33 (3) , pp. 292–337.
- Richards, D. P. (2018). Not a cape, but a life preserver: The importance of designer localization in interactive sea level rise viewers. Communication Design Quarterly 6 (2) , pp. 57-69.
- Richards, D. P. (2017). Dwelling in the Ruins of Metaphor—with Students. Composition Forum: A Journal of Pedagogical Theory in Rhetoric and Composition (37).
- Beale, M. C., McKittrick, M. and Richards, D. (2016). ‘Good’ Grief: Praxis, Subversion, and the Ethics of Griefing Guides. Technical Communication Quarterly 25 (3) , pp. 191-201.
- Richards, D. P. (2015). Testing the Waters: Local Users, Sea Level Rise, and the Productive Usability of Interactive Geovisualizations. Communication Design Quarterly 3 (3) , pp. 25-29.
- Richards, D. P. (2011). Digitizing Dewey: Blogging an Ethic of Community. Computers and Composition Online.
- Richards, D. P. (2020). On teacher neutrality: Politics, praxis, and performativity. Utah State University Press.
- Moore, K. R. and Richards, D. P. (2018). Posthuman praxis in technical communication.
Book Chapters
- Richards, D. P. (2024). Let’s party: Composing a review of the literature on a technical topic Technical writing spaces: Readings on writing (vol. 6) (pp. 87-102) Parlor Press; The WAC Clearinghouse.
- Richards, D. P. (2023). Flood Insurance Rate Maps as communicative sites of pragmatic environmental action Technical Communication for Environmental Action (pp. 95-120) SUNY Press.
- Richards, D. P. (2022). Place-based podcasting: From orality to electracy in Norfolk, Virginia Amplifying soundwriting pedagogies: Integrating sound into rhetoric and writing (pp. 301-314) The WAC Clearinghouse, University Press of Colorado.
- Yusuf, J., Nicula, J., Richards, D. P., Agim, O., Covi, M. and Anuar, K. (2021). Engaging residents in policy and planning for sea level rise: Application of the Action-oriented Stakeholder Engagement for a Resilient Tomorrow (ASERT) framework Communicating climate change: Making environmental messaging accessible (pp. 36-57) New York, NY: Routledge.
- Richards, D. P. (2019). Emergent publics, public emergencies: The importance of John Dewey in Jane Bennett’s nonhuman politics of vital materialism Recovering overlooked pragmatists in communication: Extending the living conversation about pragmatism and rhetoric (pp. 197–222) Palgrave Macmillan.
- Richards, D. P. (2017). Reconstituting Causality: Accident Reports as Posthuman Documentation Hot Topics: Common Topics of Environmental Rhetoric Routledge Studies in Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Culture.
- Richards, D. P. (2015). The (Re)Naturalization of Margaret Cavendish: Making Active the Relationship between Nature and Female Subjectivity in "Blazing World" Spectacle, Sex, and Property in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture New York: AMS Press, Inc.
Conference Proceeding
- Richards, D. P., Whytlaw, J., Allen, T., Miles, J. J.., Mcleod, G. and Cronin, J. J. A. . (2021). User experience design as a framework for political negotiation in environmental decision making about wind energy The 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC ’21) (pp. 231–239) New York, NY: ACM SIGDOC.
- Richards, D. P. (2020). Facilitating flood fluency: The design and utility of a flood risk calculator based on FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program Proceedings of the 38th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication ACM SIGDOC.
- Richards, D. P., Jovanovic, V., Popescu, O., McKittrick, M., Tombolato-Terzic, D., Pazos-Lago, M. and Romberger, J. E. (2017). Developing a Faculty Learning Community to Support Writing Across Different STEM DisciplinesThe Challenges of Exploring Local Place as a Context of Use in the Study of Interactive Risk Visualizations Proceedings of 124th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition Columbus, OH:.
- Richards, D. P. (2017). The Challenges of Exploring Local Place as a Context of Use in the Study of Interactive Risk Visualizations SIGDOC ’17: The 35th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication Proceedings New York: ACM.
- Richards, D. P. (2017). The challenges of exploring local place as a context of use in the study of interactive risk visualizations Proceedings of the 35th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (pp. 1-7) ACM SIGDOC.
- Richards, D. P. (2016). Helping Local Residents Make Informed Decisions with Interactive Risk Visualization Tools SIGDOC ’16: The 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication Proceedings New York: ACM.
- Richards, D. P., Jovanovic, V., McKittrick, M., Pazos-Lago, M. and Romberger, J. (2015). Comparatively Mapping Genres in Academic and Workplace Engineering Environments Proceedings of 122nd American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition Seattle, WA:.
- 2021: Research Mentor Award (Fall 2021), Granted by The Patricia and Douglas Perry Honors College, Old Dominion University. Awarded $500 to lead independent study with senior honors college student. Awarded $200 for materials.
- 2020: University Doctoral Mentoring Award for the College of Arts & Letters, The Graduate School at Old Dominion University
- 2017: Teaching with Technology Award, University Outstanding Faculty Awards Committee, in association with the Office of Distance Learning and ITS
- 2016: Shining Star Award for Outstanding Teaching, Student Engagement and Enrollment Services, Old Dominion University
- 2014: Honourable Mention, Best Dissertation in Rhetoric, Writing Studies, or Discourse Studies Category, Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing (CASDW)
- 2013: Dorothy Newman Linton Award for Academic Promise, Department of English at the University of South Florida
- 2013: Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Teaching Assistant, Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence at the University of South Florida
- 2012: Alma Bryant Award for Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of English at the University of South Florida