Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the TIR program is part of an approved licensure and/or bachelor's program. We offer several tracks: Elementary Education, Special Education K-12 General Curriculum, and Special Education K-12 Adapted Curriculum. While some of the incentives are quite impressive, the rigor and fast paced nature of the program are also impressive. Your only commitment outside of this is to give two years back to the school district that mentored you through the residency experience.

The Teacher in Residence (TIR) program at Old Dominion University (ODU) has several teacher education pathways, both traditional and alternative, and while they may all work differently, they have a few similar themes. Our programs are geared toward those who want to teach in urban settings and hard to staff teaching positions.

The recruitment process happens twice a year, in the October/November and in the March/April timeframe. The programs are best described as both rigorous and rewarding and usually are completed within 12 months. Specifically, our students, who are referred to as TIRs, participate in an intensive internship.

The traditional TIR internship occurs Monday-Friday in a public school with a partnering school district (i.e. Norfolk Public Schools, Newport News Public Schools, Hampton Public Schools, etc.) with a trained mentor teacher (a clinical resident instructional coach) during the regular public-school day and take classes at ODU in the evening (Monday - Thursday) over the course of their final year of classes.

The TIR program is intended for those who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in an approved area (see program materials) and who have a passion for teaching diverse students in urban school settings. To be eligible, you must complete the TIR application, which will confirm you have the appropriate coursework to be considered for our residency program.

You will need official transcripts from all universities/colleges attended; at least a 3.0 GPA; several essays that demonstrate a commitment toward working with diverse students and why the TIR program is an appropriate pathway into teaching for you.

In addition to completing the application online, for the licensure exams, you must complete the following here.

Also, the licensure exams vary per program. Students in the Elementary Education program must take and pass the Multiple Subjects Praxis Exam (#5001), which has 4 sub-tests in the areas of Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies/History, and Science. Students in both the Elementary Education program and the Special Education General Curriculum program must take and pass the Praxis Teaching Reading exam (#5205), which was formerly the RVE-Reading for Virginia Educators exam.

Again, thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your TIR application. For more information about licensure exams, click here.

A segment of this successful and highly competitive program is contingent on grant funding from the Virginia Department of Education, and while we have enjoyed funding for the last several years, this funding is determined on a yearly basis. Because there are only a small number of fully funded spots, individual students and school districts may provide direct pay for our alternative programs.

We offer only a small group of highly competitive selected candidates a stipend while participating in the program to off-set the cost of living because participating in outside employment is discouraged. Currently, the stipend for those who participate in a fully funded program is $12,500, but this may change contingent on the availability of these funds. Additionally, tuition payment is offered during the internship semester as well.

That is a great question! Yes and No. First, once you are admitted into the program, you must complete all the necessary steps that any new hire must complete in the school district (Norfolk, Newport News, etc.) to which you are placed for your internship (i.e. drug testing, fingerprinting, background check, TB test, and application for a district ID badge). After doing so, the school district will assign you an official email address so that you can communicate in and across their systems to various stakeholders (other teachers, parents, administrators, HR, etc.). This does not mean that you are an official employee yet. Once you successfully complete the TIR program, you are given interview preference with your partnership school and the school district. For example, NPS has the first right to hire or refuse, and if you are hired by NPS, you are required to teach for a period of no less than two years. On the other hand, if NPS chooses not to hire you, the TIR program will release you from NPS and make you eligible to be hired in other Hampton Roads school divisions that have high need schools. In short, as a contingency of this program, TIRs are required to work in a high need schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Participants are provided ODU supports and expected to participate in ODU related surveys or professional development for a period of three years after the preparation year. So, in essence, this program spans four years. If someone drops out of a fully funded program, repayment of tuition and the stipend is expected. The schedule of payment and the amount of the repayment is coordinated through the ODU Research Foundation and is contingent on the number of years of service provided. If a direct pay participant drops out of the program, he or she may be subject to the terms of the specific agreement made either between the student and a school district or the student and the Old Dominion University Research Foundation.